Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

Generic Structure of The Texts

Narrative : To entertain the readers with a story
  • Orientatin (pengenalan tokoh & setting)
  • Complication (masalah)
  • Resolution (penyelesaian)
  • Re-orientation (jika ada episode selanjutnya)
Recount : To retell someone's experience
  • Orientation (pengenalan tokoh & setting)
  • Event 1 
  • Event 2
  • Event 3
Anecdote : To amuse the readers with the funny story 
  • Abstract (gambaran umum)
  • Orientation (pengenalan tokoh & setting)
  • Crisis (masalah)
  • Reaction to the crisis (tindakan terhadap masalah)
  • Closing 
Spoof : To amuse the readers with the funny story (mirip dengan anecdote)
  • Orientation (pengenalan tokoh & setting)
  • Event 1
  • Event 2
  • Twist (pengecohan di akhir cerita)
News item : To inform about newsworthy events
  • Newsworthy event (kejadian yang patut diberiktakan)
  • Background (latar belakang)
  • Sources (nara sumber)
Descriptve : To describe a particular thing
  • Identification (objek yang akan dideskripsikan)
  • Description
Report : To describe the way things are
  • General classification (pengklasifikasian objek yang akan dideskripsikan)
  • Description
Procedure : To explain / describe how to something is accomplished in a sequence
  • Goal (Judul)
  • Ingredients / Materials
  • Steps (langkah-langkah)
 Rxplanation : To explain how something happened
  • General Statement (penjelasan umum / pembukaan)
  • Explanation (penjelasan proses)
  • Closing (penutup / kesimpulan)
Discussion : To present two points of view
  • Thesis (Issu, gosip, pernyataan, dll)
  • Arguments for points (pendapat yg mendukung)
  • Arguments against the points (pendapat negative)
  • Conclusion
Analytical exposition : To persuade the readers what should / should not to do
  • Thesis (permasalahan, isu)
  • Argument :
  1. Point (pendapat utama)
  2. Elaboration (pengembangan dari pendapat utama)
  • Conclution (kesimpulan)
Hortatory exposition : To persuade the readers that something is in the case 
  • Thesis (permasalahan, isu)
  • Argument :
  1. Point (pendapat utama)
  2. Elaboration (pengembangan dari pendapat utama)
  • Recommendation (writer's opinion / saran)
Review : To criticize an art work
  • Orientation 
  • Interpretive recount (ringkasan alur)
  • Evaluation (evaluasi / saran)
Dah selesai. maaf kalo sedikit bingung, karena saya juga bingung.

Source : lembaran dari tempat les

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